Annual Fund 2021-22
General Endowment
Endowment in honor of McCarthy-Maher
Endowment in honor of the Lambert Family
Endowment in honor of Virginia Satisky
Endowment in honor of Lulie Harry
Corporate Partnership
Corporate Partnership
This year's Annual Giving campaign is called "The Year of the Teacher". With this effort, we hope to recognize our teachers for their continued work providing the absolute best education to our students and provide them with specific needs they have for their classrooms whether that is classroom equipment, curriculum or special training. Every gift is greatly appreciated regardless of the amount, and every gift will make us more able to serve our students with the outstanding facilities they deserve. Questions? Contact Director of Advancement, Kim Kaplan (kkaplan@fayacademy.org) or Ray Quesnel (rquesnel@fayacademy.org).

Gold Level
One-year $10,000.00
Two-year, 2 payments $18,000.00
Two-year, paid in full $17,000.00

Blue Level
One-year $5,000.00
Two-year, two payments $9,000.00
Two-year, paid in full $8,500.00

Eagle Level
One-year, $2,500.00
Two-year, two payments $4,500.00
Two-year, paid in full $4,250.00
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